
Regents Park is committed to an ongoing culture of supporting, informing and keeping children safe. The Deputy Headteacher, Ms Webster, is our Lead DSL and we have 19 other Deputy DSLs, who are all trained to Level 3. This includes members of our Head of Year and Head of Year Support team, the SENDCO, our Head of Internal Suspension and Student Welfare Officer. All staff have regular safeguarding training, no matter what their role. This includes a formal yearly full update, PREVENT training, a ‘safeguarding snapshot’ on every PDD and a weekly safeguarding bulletin. In addition, staff use the online platform, SSS Learning, to complete additional safeguarding training which is topical or pertinent to their role or current safeguarding issues.

Students are informed about safeguarding through their PSHE programme, tutors, assemblies and special events and performances. Our provision is flexible and responsive to what is happening locally and in the wider world. As well as explaining how to report a concern, students receive preventative education to help them stay safe and are also encouraged to look out for each other, especially those younger or more vulnerable than themselves.

We work closely with other schools, including primary feeders, and liaise with the Local Authority and Children’s Services in supporting children and their families. The LA’s recommended audit and action plan is completed and informs future development.

If you are a student and have a safeguarding concern, please click here to provide information to a DSL.

If you are an adult/parent and have safeguarding concern, please click here to provide information to a DSL.

Please see the information below and links to specific parent information, advice and guidance.

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