Year 6 Transition

Transition General Information

Transition: Supporting The Move From Primary To Secondary

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting, but sometimes scary experience. Here at Regents Park, we aim to make this important transition as stress free as possible!

Firstly, we have a number of Open Events, including our formal Open Evening and Open Sessions.

Open Events

We open the whole site on Open Evening and children, with their parents, are encouraged to mix with staff and current students, see our facilities and take part in a number of activities. We are proud of our school and our students, so in the autumn term we host open mornings and afternoons where parents can see us in action. A guided tour by a member of the Leadership Team ensures that parents see all we have to offer!

Transition Day

In July, our new intake visits the school for the formal transition day.  Students have the opportunity to meet tutors and teachers and sample some of the new subjects they will study at Regents Park.  Most importantly, students make new friends and this supports their transition to secondary school.

Staff Links

The schools in our Trust – and beyond – work together to support families through the transition process.  Regents Park staff liaise with the teachers from the primary schools.  The Headteacher, the Head of Year and the Head of Year Support visit primary schools and meet all current Year 6 students who have chosen Regents Park.

Send Students

For students with special educational needs, the move from primary to secondary can be more challenging.  That is why our SENDCO collaborates with the SENDCOs in the primary schools.  Information, provision maps and advice are shared in advance.  There are a number of ways more vulnerable students are supported, including additional visits to the schools and small group activities.

First Day Nerves? No Need!

On the first day of term, Year 7 students have the whole school to themselves.  This allows them to get used to the site and routines before the other year groups join them.  Year 7s have their own separate outdoor area for break and lunchtime and their own indoor venue to purchase food.

At the end of the day, for a fixed period of time, Year 7 leave ten minutes early.

Parents need Support Too!

Transition isn’t just about the students.  Parents often worry about the process too.  At Regents Park, we want to make sure that parents are kept informed and are just as supported during this important time.  In July we will hold a Year 6 Parents’ Evening where parents can meet senior leaders and the Head of Year 7, as well as learn more about routines and expectations.  It is also the perfect time to ask any questions.

Other planned events to welcome and support parents include a Welcome Evening in the new term, tutor phone calls and Subject Parents Evenings.

Transition Information Pack

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