Parental Feedback

Parental Questionnaires and Feedback

At Regents Park, we think the relationship between home and school is crucial in supporting students’ learning, developing their mental and physical wellbeing and ensuring their safety.  It is also a driving force for our school improvement planning.  We value parental engagement and constantly strive to ensure that this is effective and parents feel that their views are heard.

In addition to topical consultations, we send parent questionnaires to evaluate the work we are doing. Results from this are shared with staff and governors, but are also presented on our website for parents to see.  As well as the data from the questionnaires, there is also a slide which responds to questions or concerns raised and explains any planned actions.

As part of the process, a review of actions from the previous questionnaire is undertaken and this is shared.

If parents have specific questions or concerns regarding their child, then please contact the Head of Year who will be happy to support.  Finally, SIMs Parent App is the best way to stay informed so if you haven’t already registered then please email us at

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