
At Regents Park Community College we aim to maintain an environment where our learners are happy and confident. However, we also recognise that sometimes things can go wrong and parents may feel the need to raise an issue with the school or make a complaint. Please email

Most complaints can be resolved quickly and informally with the member of staff concerned and we would encourage all parents to communicate with the relevant member of staff in the first instance.

If you are not satisfied after speaking to the member of staff concerned, or do not feel it is appropriate to do so and the complaint is about a curriculum issue, please contact the relevant Curriculum Leader in the first instance:

If the complaint is about a pastoral issue, please contact the relevant Head of Year or the Head of Year Support:

If you are not satisfied with the outcome after contacting these staff, please contact the relevant Leadership Team Link:

You are also welcome to contact the Headteacher at any point in the process, you do not have to wait until you have contacted other staff. Please contact Mrs F Hayward in the first instance:

Complaints may also be made to the Chair of Governors, Mr D Davenport at or via letter at the school address.

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